Profs. Mark Daymond and Suraj Persaud in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, and Prof. Warren Mabee in Policy Studies have received a multi-disciplinary grant from Natural Resources Canada’s Enabling Small Modular Reactors (SMR) Program. 

Profs. Mark Daymond and Suraj Persaud in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, and Prof. Warren Mabee in Policy Studies have received a multi-disciplinary grant from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to look at issues around dry storage of small modular reactors (SMR) fuel, and to conduct a techno-gap / life cycle assessment to enable effective SMR deployment.  The grant is part of NRCan’s $13.6 million funding for nine research projects under the Enabling Small Modular Reactors (SMR) program, of which Queen’s University is a recipient.

With a total of $935, 542 in funding and leveraging the state-of-the-art Reactor Materials Testing Laboratory (RMTL) facility’s irradiation capabilities, Profs. Daymond and Persaud will look at the combined effect of environment and radiation on the degradation of materials proposed for casks for short term storage of fuels. Prof. Mabee will look at the supply chains related to SMR deployment, including identifying opportunities and applications for heat and electrical production from SMRs.

Enabling Small Modular Reactors (SMR) program is part of NRCan’s research and development initiatives to bringing clean energy to more Canadians.

For more information about the program, visit the NRCan website.